DomainTree | Premium UK domains for sale

Domain Name Policies

DomainTree is able to register a suitable domain name (.com etc.) for your website.

When registering UK domain names this is done through DomainTree’s channel partner membership of Nominet and is therefore in compliance with Nominet’s requirements.

Registration and subsequent renewals are at the rate of £10+VAT per year. Updates to details are free of charge. Transfer of a domain to another provider is free of charge as long as there are no fees outstanding.

Renewal and Expiry
Domains will be be automatically renewed. A reminder will be sent by email at least 30 days in advance of the domain(s) expiring. If you do not wish to renew your domain(s) than please email me at or ring me on 01903 530062 at least 7 days in advance of your domain(s) name expiring. You can renew your domain(s) up to 30 days (grace period) after the expiry date, which will be charged at the normal renewal fee. Once payment has been received I will aim to restore all services to your domain(s) within 24 hours. After 30 days of your domain(s) expiring it will be put into a redemption period. It is usually possible to retrieve a domain(s) once it’s in the redemption period, but this cannot always be guaranteed. An additional redemption fee (if any cost is incurred) might be applied as well as the standard renewal fee. After the redemption period your domain will be enter the “Pending delete” stage and once your domain has entered this stage it will not be possible to recover your domain(s). Approximately 90 days after the domain expiring it will be deleted from the registry and will usually become available again for registration.

Customer Service
DomainTree pride themselves on offering the very best in customer service and aims to respond to all points of contact within 1 working day, and will aim to resolve any issues within 5 working days.

Email contact point for abuse complaints
If you wish to raise a complaint about abuse you have received than please email me at I will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 5 working days.

Complaints and escalation process
If you have not had the best experience through DomainTree and would like to raise a complaint, than please ring 01903 530062 or email me at with as much detail as you can about the complaint or service you’re having an issue with. I will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 5 working days. If you’re dissatisfied with the initial outcome and would like to escalate your complaint regarding UK domains, then please feel free to contact the .uk registry Nominet who will be more than happy to help.

T&C’s for registrants including Nominet’s domain name registration
When requesting a domain registration through DomainTree, we ask that you ensure you read and agree to Nominet’s Domain Registration Terms and Conditions. We will request written confirmation, before we register the domain, that you agree to these Terms and Conditions. These can be found at

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